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Small cafe with great profit

Last weekend I visit my friend "bistro" small nice cafe in Pacet, small village surrounding by high mountain and fresh air that we can breath, many of his customer that enjoy their lunch are in all aged, although it is not so crowded, the situation very nice, I am just wondering how come the small bistro can attract many customer, when I look restaurant equipment then I realize why this bistro is success.

Do not forget that professional cookware is the answer of this question it can be an image to the customer, who want to have their limited time can enjoy a nice food and a good atmosphere with a good ambiance also, then the customer will enjoy their lunch, dinner even breakfast with small menu.

Also foodservice supply is key success for all the restaurant business combination of all the above will directly bring you more profit and will bring more guests to visit this cafe. I really believe that all the above matter is something that all the restaurant businessman need to considering.

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Cassava important crop in the tropics

Cassava is one of those plants with as many names as there are different communities eating it.

It is known as manioc, manihot, yucca, mandioca, sweet potato tree and tapioca plant.

It is an important food crop in the tropics, where it is grown for its starchy, tuberous roots. This plant is sometimes referred to as the potato of the tropics, and it is a staple for many people around the world.

Cassava has been grown in Florida for many years and, as the Caribbean population increased, so did its cultivation in backyard gardens. Around the late 1800s and early 1900s, it was grown to such an extent that a few small starch factories were started to process the crop.

While not as important a commercial crop as it once was, about 800 acres were grown in Miami-Dade County for the fresh market in 1984. Only a relatively few gardeners now include it in their home gardens, but it is such an easy plant to care for and establish, I would encourage everyone to give it a try.

Cassava is a shrubby perennial that grows to a maximum of 6 to 8 feet. It has smooth, erect stems and resembles the cannabis plant. The large, compound, dark-green, reddish-veined leaves are divided into about seven leaflets. The stems contain a soft white center and have nodes from which new plants are obtained.

The roots, the most valuable part of the plant, grow in clusters of four to eight at the stem base. Roots are from 1 to 4 inches in diameter and from 8 to 15 inches long, although roots up to 3 feet long are found.

The winner of this year's largest vegetable at the South Florida Fair was a cassava.

The pure-white interior of the roots is firmer than potatoes and has very high starch content. The roots are covered with a thin, reddish-brown, fibrous bark that is removed by peeling. The bark is reported to contain toxic hydrocyanic acid, which must be removed by washing, scraping and heating. Eat the flesh, not the bark.

Two types of cassava recognized are "bitter" and "sweet." The sweet-type roots contain only a small amount of the acid and are boiled and used as a vegetable, along with the young leaves, which are used a greens.

Leaves are not eaten raw because of the poisonous substances. Boil them like other greens, such a turnips.

The roots also are used for animal feed, and the starch is used for glue, laundry starch and tapioca pudding.

Cassava needs eight to 11 frost-free months to produce usable roots. It requires about the same soil and fertilizer as sweet potatoes.

Cassava is propagated by planting 10-inch sections of the stem 2 to 4 inches deep at 4-foot intervals on 4-foot wide rows. The roots are dug or pulled and used soon after harvest, since they deteriorate rapidly.

Large plants will be very tough, so most grow this plant for a single season. The plant, however, can grow for many years, producing roots that weigh many pounds.

Stick with small roots, and you will be surprised at just how many recipes exist for this plant.

Tired of potatoes? Grow cassava.

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Choose a good wine

The term of Wine has been known since thousand years ago. Approximately 6000 BC wine was already been made for an offering to a their beloved god. Greece is one of many country that had long history with wine, and has been consumed in a cultural festival back then. Wine is also included into a holy bible, telling that Christ transmuted the water in a jar become wine so the villagers can continue the festival. I think there is also other culture concern about wine, because its delight, rich and luxury taste. For now Wine Pairing is become popular among the Wine lover, they visit many winery and try to mix up a little bit to create a new taste of wine.

Wine is perfect when it comes to a proper dinner in restaurant, and also create a romantic scheme in romantic dinner. You can search about Wine Reviews to broaden your knowledge, this may come handy in time. So you can pick the right wine in the right time. Everyone is unique and so the wine, every brand has its own specialty and tasting it require a decent and trained sense.

Finding a best find is sometime not easy as it looks, friends of mine once told me that expensive wine is not always the best wine. Some people dedicated their life to become a wine tester. They travel around the world to taste a new product or giving the Wine Grades. Though it looks very simple but to become a formidable wine tester you must be certificated and passed through many test, this is important because your decision will affect the future of wine’s brand or the winery itself.

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